Cookies Policy

1. The Site does not automatically store or collect any information except that contained in cookies.

2. The HTTP cookies (so-called "cookies") constitute small pieces of IT data, especially text files that are stored in the 
end device of our Site’s Users and are intended for use of the web pages of the Site. Cookies typically contain the name of 
the website from which they originate, their storage time on the User’s device and a unique sequential number.

3. Cookies are used to:
a) adapt the content of the web pages of the Site to User preferences, thus optimising  the use of the website; in 
particular, these files allow us to identify the device of the User and display the web page properly, as tailored to their 
individual needs;
b) create statistics that help us understand how the Site’s Users benefit from the web pages, which, consequently, allows 
us to improve their structure and content;

4. This Site uses two basic types of cookies: "session cookies” and "persistent cookies”.  Session cookies are temporary
files that are stored on the User’s device until logging out, leaving the website or disabling the software (such as the 
web browser). Persistent cookies are stored in the User’s end device for a period of time specified in the parameters of 
cookies or until their removal by the User.

5. The Site uses the following types of cookies: 
a) "essential" cookies allowing you to use the services available within the Site, such as authentication cookies used for 
services that require authentication through the Site;
b) cookies used to ensure data security, such as used for the detection of fraud in the authentication processes executed 
through the Site;
c) "efficiency" cookies for collecting information about how to use the web pages of the Site;
d) "functional" cookies allowing to "memorise" the settings selected by the User and to personalise the interface, such as 
with regard to the preferred language or region, the font size, or general appearance of the website, etc.

6. In many cases, software for browsing the web pages (Internet browser) allows by default to store cookies on the end 
equipment of the User. The Site’s Users may change their cookies settings at any given moment. These settings can be 
altered in particular in such a way, so as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of your web browser 
or to inform you of their placement on the end device every time you enter the Site. Detailed information about the 
possibilities and ways of handling cookies can be accessed through the software settings (web browser).

7. The operator of the Site indicates that restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities and 
features available on the web pages of the Site.

8. Further information on cookies is available under the "Help" section of the menu of your web browser.